Yeah. Just kind of a pity, then, that you are not capable of doing anything even slightly original or interesting for her. Because, if you can't do that, then all your "I love her I love her oh I can't tell you how much I love her" boils down to nothing else but: "look at me look at me I'm special" sad stupid vain little cunt.
>>883 how are you today alex bitter and lonely as usual?
Not that there's the slightest chance She'll see it but I think it still may help Her in some small way
Cracky is zo fucking schattig en lief. Ik had haar te trakteren op een aantal chique restaurant, dan neem een lange romantische wandeling met haar, hand in hand en praten over filosofie, kunst en dromen. Dan zou ik haar uit te nodigen voor mijn huis en verwoesten haar hete kont voor uren, en het dwingen mijn pik omhoog haar keel zodat ze geschokt op zowel de kloppende pik en haar eigen rectale sap. Ik zou dan overgaan tot cum op haar schattig onschuldig gezicht. Vervolgens. als de ultieme liefde geschenk, zou ik haar dragen in mijn armen aan het bad en laat mijn pis wegspoelen het sperma en laatste waardigheid van haar. Ik zou Wisper "I love you" en geef haar een tedere glimlach, en sneed haar keel van oor tot oor met een mes. Bedekt met haar eigen warme bloed, zou ze kijken recht in mijn ziel, vergevingsgezind, begrip. Een zeepbel uit bloed en speeksel zou barsten tussen haar lippen, toen ze zou sterven. Na wat extra vrijen, zou ik haar spullen in een vuilniszak. Drie weken later, zal een aantal spelende kinderen haar verminkt en ontheiligd lichaam vinden in het bos.
So, you translating a piece of years-old, thousand-times-reposted Crackypasta into Dutch is you "accepting the challenge" to produce something original, is it?
Sorry, son, but if that counted as "originality' I'd have acquired the copyright, automatically, on all the thousands of pieces of writing 've translated for a living and be a multi-millionaire.
So you score NO POINTS here, I'm afraid.
Oh, but you didn't do it to score points and show what big Internet balls you have, did you?
You did it because "it may help Her in some small way".
Yeah, sure, having sleazy crappy, "edgy cool-guy" fantasies about raping and killing her existing in all the obscure languages they hitherto haven't yet existed in is really going to "help" her a LOT....
I think this is actually the most nauseating thing about the nasty dirty little heap of pond-scum that is now all the "Cracky community" consists of. More nauseating even than your stupidity, your illiteracy, your cowardice and your lies. I mean your vile boring hypocrisy in bleating on about how all the crap you do, "you do for Her".
You do NOTHING for her. Well, you do nothing, period. But the stupid, empty, unoriginal acts of vandalism you commit you commit only for YOURSELVES, and your pathetic little egos. "Look at me look at me look at me, I have accepted the challenge, I have translated a piece of years-old shit into Dutch. I win I win I win!"
Die, you sad piece of dirt.
alex this is the saddest samefagging dance I've ever seen
>>888 No. What is sad is you having to tell yourself that it takes "samefagging" by some evil liar and conspirator to make your "Cracky community" look like a little heap of sad, vain, sterile, stupid fools. I don't think anyone has "samefagged" in this thread. The usual sort of vain, sterile, stupid idiot started with his "I wuv Cracky, oh how I do wuvvy duvvy wuv her" bullshit. I said "Jesus, can't you actually think of something original to SAY about her, then?" Blustering, vain, stupid, empty idiot - i.e. standard Crackyfag - that he was, he first trumpeted "I accept your challenge! I will show you the genius I am capable of" and then - as Crackyfags always do - fizzled out and collapsed, unable to offer anything but a translation he'd made of the sameold sameold... I then called him what he was: a stupid, sad, vain cunt and a liar. Then you - another stupid, sad, vain, self-deluding Crackyfag - came in and tried to "rescue the honour of the Crackyverse" by coming up with the groundless lie that "Oh it was all just staged by Alex all along".
Shrivel up and die, you pathetic liar.
>>889 What's funny is I'm not the one who translated that. You may apologize now.
What I intend to do, after some thought is write a semi-religious Book of Cracky that goes far beyond the existing bits of legend and copypasta. It will unify Her worshipers, at least the newish ones. The oldish ones are too set in their ways. A tome that lays out the history of Her a avandd t
TIL this board does not work well with Chrome. So as I was saying. A tome that lays out the history of the Queen and those who stalked her with clarity and honesty, in a way that neither diminishes Her light nor pretends more than happened.
In this way we will have a foundation for service that serves and protects Her avatar.
As for your rage, it shows you haven't focused properly on the Sky Queen. Cracky is catharsis : accept that balm and be healed.
Cracky's so fucking cute and sweet. I'd treat her to some fancy restaurant, than take a long romantic walk with her, holding hands and talking about philosophy, art and dreams. Then I'd invite her to my home and ravage her hot ass for hours, and forcing my cock up her throat so she chocked on both the throbbing cock and her own rectal juice. I'd then proceed to cum on her cute innocent face. Then. as the ultimate love gift, I'd carry her in my arms to the tub and let my piss wash away the semen and last dignity from her. I'd whisper "I love you" and give her a tender smile, and cut her throat from ear to ear with a knife. Covered in her own warm blood, she'd look straight into my very soul, forgiving, understanding. A bubble from blood and saliva would burst between her lips, then she'd die. After some additional lovemaking, I'd stuff her into a bin bag. Three weeks later, some playing children will find her mutilated and desecrated body in the forest. They will be scarred for life. 他妈的疯狂的可爱和甜美。我对待她的一些花哨的餐厅,需要很长的浪漫地散步,和她在一起,手牵着手,谈论哲学,艺术和梦想。然后,我邀请她到我家和蹂躏她的热屁股小时,并强迫我的公鸡摆满了她的喉咙,让她的悸动公鸡,和她的直肠自己的汁。然后,我会继续暨在她的可爱无辜的脸。然后。作为最终的爱的礼物,我在我的怀里拎浴缸和让我小便洗去精液和她最后的尊严。我耳语:“我爱你”,并给了她一个温柔的笑容,,从耳旁用刀子砍了她的喉咙。覆盖在她自己的热血,她直视我的灵魂,宽容,理解。气泡从血液和唾液会突然之间她的嘴唇,然后她会死。一些额外的做爱后,我的东西她变成一个垃圾袋。三个星期后,一些玩的孩子会发现她的肢解和亵渎的尸体在森林中。
>>890 I see nothing to apologize about. This idea you have that "haha u got it wrong haha" is just another manifestation of your sad egotistical little self-investment as a "Crackyfag", which makes you feel that your useless life has some purpose and value.
Whether you translated it, someone else did, or you ran it through a translation machine, doesn't matter in the tiniest bit. It is still five years old, or more, and its endless reposting and regurgitation is just the sign of a dead community.
All you can offer that is "new" is empty boasts and promises about what you "intend to do" one day.
When you keep these empty promises, I will apologize to you.
That is to say? I will never have to.
You are a bloated empty useless windbag. Kill yourself at last.