Stalkers come from every walk of life and every socio-economic background. Virtually anyone can be a stalker, just as anyone can be a stalking survivor. There are some general categories that stalkers fit into.
Remember: Even though there are general categories of stalkers, that does not mean that every stalker will fit neatly into a category. Stalkers can have any characteristics and come from any type of background.
Rejected Stalker
Motivation: This type of stalker begins to stalk after their partner (romantic or close friendship) has ended their relationship or indicates that they intend to end the relations. This type of stalker wants to be in a relationship with the survivor again or seek revenge on the survivor. The stalker's goals may vary, depending on the reponses of the survivor.
Personality: This type of stalker may have high levels of narcissism and jealousy. This type of stalker may also have feelings of humiliation, over-dependence, and/or poor social skills and a resulting poor social network.
Stalking Behaviors: This type of stalker is often the most persistent and instrusive type of stalker and is more likley to employ intimidation and assault in pursuit of their survivor. A history of violence in the relationship with the partner is not uncommon.
Duration and Criminality: This type of stalker is typically the most resistant to efforts aimed at ending their stalking behavior.
Resentful Stalker
Motivation: This stalker wants to frighten or distress their survivor and often stalks their survivor to get revenge against someone who has upset them. This type of stalker views their survivor as being similar to those who have oppressed or humiliated them in the past and may view themselvves as a survivor striking back against an oppressor.
Personality: This type of stalker is often irrationally paranoid.
Survivor Characteristics: This type of stalker often stalks survivors that may have upset them directly or are represen
Motivation: This type of stalker stalks their survivor as part of a plan to attack them, usually sexually, and is motivated by the promise of sexual gratification and power over the survivor.
Personality: This type of stalker often has poor self-esteem, poor social skills (especially in romantic relationships), and may have lower than normal intelligence.
Survivor Characteristics: This type of stalker may stalk someone they know or a complete stranger.
Stalking Behaviors: This type of stalker usually does not harass or try to contact their survivor while they are stalking. This type of survivor may engage in behaviors sucyh as: surveillance of the survivor, obscene phone calls, exhibitionism, fetishism, and voyeurism.
Duration and Criminality: This type of stalker may stalk for a shorter period of time than other types of stalkers and has a higher potential to become physically violent with the survivor.
Intimacy Seeker
Motivation: This type of stalker seeks to establish an intimate, loving relationship with the survivor and may believe that the survivor is in love with them. This is a delusion. The stalker believes that the survivor may be the only person who can satisfy their desires and sees the survvior as an ideal partner. The stalker may interpret any kind of response from the survivor, even negative responses, as encouragement and may believe the survivor owes them love because of all they have invested in stalking the survvior. This type of stalker is very resistant to changing their beliefs about the survivor's love for them.
Personality: This type of stalker is often a shy and isolated person and often lives along and lacks any sort of intimate relationship in their life.
Survivor Characteristics: This type of stalker may stalk acquaintances or complete strangers.
Stalking Behaviors: If the stalker recognizes they are being rejected by the survivor, they may become threatening or violent. This type of stalker may engage in behaviors such as: