I think us men are being really stupid. We live begging for sex when we could easily dominate women. We are more powerful and yet we are letting women control society giving them more rights than ever, even more than men have, even when they already had the sexual capital which is a very strong power. All our needs would be fulfilled and we would be able to focus on other things. We would be more productive. Each man had guaranteed all the sex he wants since sex is a physiological need, like eating.
but women also provide input into the economy, i don't think it outweighs that. And all men would want a top 20% girl at least that would make some extra problems
She was 18 year old when her schizo boyfriend (ex-boyfriend) asphyxiated her with two plastic cable-ties. She had met a new American gay-bi boyfriend when with the schizo one, and break with the killer some days before the American came to visit her. She was in a pseudogoth fase when she met the American guy on the Internet, she was a very shy girl. She used to go by the name "demon_nurse" >>>/watch?v=bc-xbOGTAfU pictures at the end
>>393 Congratulations Ely. Your board has just graduated into the "Boards decorated with a large picture of Cracky that are perpetually being shitted up by illiterate dogs of a vain chav slut" category. If things carry on like this your shithole will soon no longer need fear comparison with Crackyhouse vintage 2012.
Wow, I thought that was a rare at first.
>>392 She doesn't really look like Lia at all. "demon_nurse" might fit but everything else is dead wrong. [Ely, how do I sage on this board?]
>>394 ok, sorry, I'm taking it to 71 wgere it belongs, doesn't it?
>>266 Kimi still looks cute as fuck in that publicity photo, though. Sweet little bowl-cut tomboy with her ironic lop-sided grin and her wounded arm from srabbling about like God knows what sort of mischievous little proto-dyke under God knows what sort of sheet of corrugated iron on God knows what sort of abandoned post-industrial empty lot. I love her. Pity's she's such a cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunt......
Recently spent a while looking at the Situationists, Dérive and projects like Random GPS.
I know there's been some interest in the crackyverse for Urbexing, and the occasional pilgrimage. Would anybody be interested in a semi-directed tour through Oxford at some point in the future?
I think if we were to start off at one of the significant locations and use a tool like http://www.brokencitylab.org/drift/ to move about we'd have a fun time. Since Crackyfolk are largely unfamiliar with eachother in real life, the combination of company and wandering through a semi-familiar landscape would be a really interesting experience.
Perhaps we could discover something of the psychogeography of a cracky chan in learning how she moves about the town (subjectively and figuratively of course). Or maybe we'd just lark around in Oxford and get lost a bit and have some lunch and go home.
7 replies omitted.Anonymous
>>203 Always stays the same Nothing ever changes English summer rain Seems to last for ages