I wonder if any of you relate: https://warosu.org/lit/thread/S6047426
I can definitely relate to the “generation resignation". Life is pointless in a lot of levels, and even finding peace int *in the realization you are only suited to be a drone is impaired by the lack of easy-access drone jobs (unless you are going for kitchen / janitorial work). Relationships are difinitely expensive, and you'll be very lucky if you find someone who's definition of a nice evening is pretty much "staying home watching pirated movies/tv shows". Specially if you are a guy (or a woman searching for another woman).
>>4151 >>They don’t believe the future will get better—so they make do with what they have. Check.
>>4153 Post broke out of nowhere again. Continuing: >>They’re lazy, lacking in willpower, potency and drive. Check. >>We were raised in relative comfort. We’re just trying to keep it that way. Check.
Resignation is my secret middle name. My life is alright for the effort I pour into it. I'm definitely interested in finding someone I will truly connect one someday, but for the time being having an emergency friends-with-benefits deal every two or three months works fine for when the lust builds up.
So, erm, what's this board for nowadays? Why are there 2 other boards, if they are never used? Wouldn't it be better if all the boards were merged? What's the deal with the buggy chat? Where is everyone? Why does no one post here? What content would be welcome? Does this board have any particular rules, besides common-sense ones?
>>4113 The post is lost on focus change for some browsers, I think. For example clicking on another tab. So an extension that momentarily pulls focus will break the present post activity, even if focus is immediately returned.
>>4114 first day i met up with alex, had a beer, walked around in the African district, walked around a bit in another part of the city, went to see some refugee camp along the river, got some food in el cheapo India restaurant. We talked a bit about everything, nothing too special. Then I went to my airbnb host, they were nice, young international girls and friendly. At night I went to that hill where you can look at the city, there was some guy playing guitar pretty well. There were still a lot of tourists there and people trying to sell beer, and you could haggle with them. Next day I visited the orangerie museum and the louvre, and some churches. But by then it was almost 30degrees c, I got tired of looking at buildings and the museum didn't interest me any more as much as 7 years ago. I decided to leave a day early. On the way home, with some rideshare thing, we came across a 1-car accident on the highway as one of the first people, and our driver had been in the red cross so he stopped and did this safety and helping thing. Was interesting. Next time I'll go on holiday I'll go to nature instead, I think. Or just stay at home like the boring person I am. /my blog
>>4118 Sometimes I wonder what it's like to have a life. Then I see a sexy girl on the internet, fap, and get back to TESV.
>>4119 Same, sort of. Every once in a while (maybe once one or two months) I go out, socialize, then get so exhausted by it, I go back to being a recluse.
>>4097 i never got any birthday parties not sure if you should feel lucky or not
>>4108 Never? why? I don't want to pry, but I kinda do.
>>4110 i dunno, maybe it's not the culture here, i only went to maybe 3 in my life. in high school i lived somewhat far from my classmates and didnt have any other friends, in college and later i couldnt be bothered. Maybe i bought my friends a beer in the pub, does that count?
>>4111 >>4108 I think it's 50/50. On one hand, getting people celebrating you its nice and getting free stuff is great. On the other hand, I don't know if never having a birthday party would make me feel the same way I fell now though. I just don't like being the center of attention, I find it exhausting. I'd rather just order some food, watch movies, play some games and if I'm coupled get some booty for my birthday. I don't enjoy celebrating Christmas nor New Year's Eve either (I like fireworks visually, but I hate the noise).
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaMY7hTHR4Lv85TSbHWZNaA how can she be so pretty? she's supposed to age and things like that. feels.
31 replies omitted.Anonymous
https://np.reddit.com/r/london/comments/349sn5/i_see_about_10_of_these_a_day_while_looking_for_a/cqsnnjp?context=3 any camgirls here who want to give their feedback on this?
>>4071 They don't need to, it's super obvious the poster is the common denominator. >self-obsessed, self-absorbed, general bitches
>>4072 Post broke before intended: Also, I dare you to find a camwhore (an official one) who seems to be even remotely an apparently decent human being.
That's the thing, isn't it. your definition of a "decent human being," and so then one who appears that way to you, is probably formulated to exclude someone who got naked for money on the internet in the first place, or at least a woman who has. What's the point of these arguments? We know for certain that a lot of enabling factors of camwhoring are negative, we know also that the environment in which someone is likely to camwhore nowadays is similarly unhealthy, and we know that other types of sex trade people have to depersonalize or whatever it's called just to keep going. Obviously these people won't be "apparently decent human beings" to you. My advice is to masturbate and stop troubling yourself with these zomg deep questions.
>>4079 I'm going to take a wild guess and assume >>4072 + >>4073 was referring particularly to the reddit post, which makes the former camgirl in question a massive hypocrite. I agree with you, though, zero point in thinking about people's qualities on the internet; if others are giving them money for xyz that's nobody else's business.
>>4053 I was thinking that there seemed to be sort of odd activity in 71, as if new people were appearing. Maybe someone linked from IVchan and they got stuck.