here, have a cool short comic
lets have one of those character generators again
>idling around the tinychat before bed >Alex comes in >Says "The Nymphs have departed" >wat >Says some more cryptic bullshit >Alex leaves >Go to sleep >Wake up and there's a huge party in the tinychat with like Gackto and everybody >Catch up with all you motherfuckers >Wake up >It was all just a dream >can't even tell if Alex was part of the dream or not
What the fuck is happening to my life
1 reply omitted.Anonymous
>>3311 I accidentally lurked in the chat. The nymphs are real guys. Nymph hype.
The nymphs are nubile maidens from greek myth, so yeah I have no idea who alex could have been referring to.
Lurked the chat a bit before bed. No Alex, no nymphs. I will report as to my sanity when I awaken.
>>3315 "The nymphs are departed" is a line from Eliot's "Wasteland". I use facile superficial erudition to shield my insecurity and hide my shame at hanging around Tinychat rooms full of teens and tweens (is that the term?) in my mid-50s. So Jeff and everybody came back, eh? I'm not sure if that would have been pleasant or unpleasant....for me, I mean. I'd die for another butchers' (Cockney rhyming slang : "butchers' hook = look"; I'm back in London now, innit?) at Camel, double-die for another one at Kimi....but not, I suppoe, with some asshole screaming in my ear "You don't get to say her name......Dorothy Mantooth is a SAINT, you hear me? A SAINT!" Still, I did enormously admire the last video I saw of Jeff's : the one where he re-films the locations that he had filmed a few years earlier in one of his saccharine-sweet videos with Camel and raps reflectively and somewhat melancholically about those days in a spirit that proves, after all, to be not a spirit of bitterness but one of magnanimous reconciliation. I thought it was a legitimate work of art, comparable , when looked at side by side with the earlier "saccharine-sweet" video, to Blake's "Songs of Innocence and Experience" or Pasolini's "La Nuova Gioventù". Maybe you CAN step into the same river twice....
>>3317 Oh I just read it again. So it WAS a dream? Fuck. I hate that shit in fiction and I hate it even more in real life.
Ah...teh old days when you could cylcle in /r for days and not see a soul.
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