
/wish/ - Why Is Still Here?

almost dead

Not synched.

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Anonymous   Expand
If women wanted to be respected for their brains dating sites would list publications, citations, degrees, and philosophical and ethical standings.
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if OP's mom had respected herself, she would have drowned him soon after he started speaking
There are "dating" sites like that. But would they let you in?
like this:


>One of the chapters in the books was written by Carmen Wheatley, an alternative medicine advocate...

Ugh, pls make this stop. Somehow I never looked further into what exactly she was active at. This is seriously so disappointing. I hope her quackery didn't influence Livvie much.

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Anonymous   Expand
Wouldn't you also want a qt 3.14 feral child as adopted daughter to care for?
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how many times a day does the average cracky fag fap to this or something else?
There is no average Cracky fag
Doesn't seem to be assassin material. Why would I adopt a child who couldn't be trained in the deadly arts?
70% recaps, 30% new material. Why is this tolerated?
i usually only fap as many times a day as possible but sometimes when a feral child is brought out i just have to make some scacrifices and fap some more. yeah its a nice life

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Anonymous   Expand
Cold war II: Electric Boogaloo. Discuss.
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I'm on Team Best Korea again.

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「Fap to this」

Anonymous   Expand
did you black out a pregnant woman's stomach
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「Eating a la NEET」

Anonymous   Expand
I'm guessing people who aren't very sociable /have an aversion to socialization don't eat with other people that often. Do you have healthy eating habits? Do you eat out much? Three square meals? Compulsive overeating? Starvation? Inquiring minds wanna know
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doin it for cracky doin it for liv
I wish I had your faith
I eat ramyun and meal replacement shakes, mostly. Occaisionally, I'll host a cookout or a fancy dinner for guests during which real food is served. I have a hard time justifying the expenditure of resources, both time and money, if I'm just doing it for me. So, to answer your question, my eating habits are poor when I'm being antisocial, but I moderate those tendencies with social interaction.
Anyone ever tried soylent or one of their community made alternatives? I would use that if I didn't have cheap access to prepared food.

Wasnt Lia on that shit for a while? I'd be tempted to try it if it was cheap enough, just use it to replace the odd meal.

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「What's your favorite poem?」

Anonymous   Expand
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

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「New Gackto/Linaaa」

Anonymous   Expand
old >>>/watch?v=hkavFZqgycA

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Anonymous   Expand
I just came back from the train station, where I met this qt looking azian woman, even though she may well have been 40, sitting next to the water dispenser. I smiled at her while drinking some water, and when I was about to leave she offered me some olives. I politely declined since from the 3 bags that were around her and her location I presumed her homeless. I started a conversation with her, I could use some myself being a lonely person and all that, and she replied with a soft voice
in English. We spoke for almost 2 hours, mostly just me asking questions and she answering because I'm a nosey fuck like that. Has a kid somewhere who's now almost 20, wasn't willing to tell why she left her south east azian country, thought the governmental entity for poor people was keeping her down more than helping her, easy to get clothes washed but hard to find places to change and to shower, and so on.

Dear diary, I'm almost done. At some points I had the urge to invite her into my home but I have roommates, my mommy always told me not to invite homeless people and since I'm not sure she would have accepted anyway I never did. She looked really gentle and careful, and not drunk or unstable so I didn't expect any problems. It was kinda hard to figure out if she was smart or stupid, maybe a long time on the streets makes anyone dumb, having not much to do all day, the height of your day being going to the homeless lunch thing and getting weekly money. Some of her stories involved how she missed the lunch by a couple minutes due to some public transport issues. She didn't seem to like thinking about some of her past things too much, and the future either. I left being a bit sad, for her sad situation and how's there so many of them suffering in this world. Maybe I should become a professional homeless people helper later, that seems like a job I would find more fullfilling than what I have now.
ugh, now I smell like the other homeless guy that was sitting nearby that was extremely smelly

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「Try some real music」

Anonymous   Expand
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FKA twigs released some really nice shit

Papi Pacify >>>>>

but yeah she's releasing a lot of good stuff recently
why does no one respond any more in the tinychat
tinychat was dead so long I nstopped trying
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Tygggggg to use the "live" function.

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Anonymous   Expand
new rap song by jeff the cheff aka gackto!
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return to us, tomodachi
chatroom is alive and well
you are missed. not as a sideshow attraction; as a soul

flow misted my eyeballs up, aint no lyin
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I wonder what Camel's been up to?
wow such artist you're new picasso
but should be picture of stalin now instead of nignog
She's a Trotskyist, ignoramus, so pretty much the polar opposite of a sucker of Stalin's dick.
Would that there WERE a smidgin of robust "tanky" good sense in that brilliant but ballastless head of hers.
Camel was fucking hot

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