Olivia hates and maybe pities every single one of us and I'm okay with it. The only scenario I can imagine is where someone clearly double-crosses the line and she has to take legal actions against him/her.
There is no actual reason olivia would return unless like above. The thing she wants is probably peac of mind from worrying about 1 or 2 crazy stalkers (not the majority, the select true crazy ones, like who wrote 'so fucking cute and sweet story') and probably peace of mind for those still obsessed. I don't think she'll return again (mainly due to those 1 or 2 bad eggs in the crackyverse)
if she will favor anyone it's those that erase her memory from the internetz
CBD, the "other" cannabinoid that is fast becoming a household word, is already being given to children with CBD, the "other" cannabinoid that is fast becoming a household word, is already being given to children with severe epilepsy.
Also, marijuana has antibiotic properties and is effective against antibiotic resistant strains of MRSA. And it is a safe, biodegradable alternative to preservatives in cosmetics and toiletries which are strongly suspected to be linked to hormonal changes.
How soon do you think recreational marijuana use will be Federally legal in the United States?
What do you think will happen once it is legalized?
I've been homeless since March. I abandoned my faith in the Sky Queen and my entire world went down the drain. Now I'm inexplicably sick, too weak too work, living in the streets and hope it's nowhere sight. I wonder if the same would have happened if I had remained faithful to almighty Cracky.
I was shroud btw, if it wasn't obvious. It's just I keep forgetting that the tripcodes is put aaaaall the way on top of the page and sometimes I dumb out and forget that. I'll listen to all in a bit.
Feminism is best named "female supremacism". It's a hateful ideology based on spreading fear that men in general are rapists abusing positions of power to harm women. As such it's fully as evil as spreading fear that jews are evil bankers abusing power to harm non-jews. Feminists support laws that require police to arrest peopel with male attributes in domestic violence cases and then use arrest stastics to prove men are more violent. They spread lies about incomes, domestic violence, rape, and anything else that suits their cause in the interest of gaining power at any cost, even at the cost of making rape more likely. Women everywhere are deceived by these lies.
Unbiased stastics are widely available and widely ignored and/or cherrypicked by feminists in academia. Meanwhile funding specifically aimed at improving the lot of women is widely supported. This bias is widespread and harmful.
The past colors the present. How and one simply say "tyhe past is the past" and move on?
78 replies omitted.Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2425 So you favor RamshackleSkank then? Can we compromise and make it RamshackleSkank420?
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
>>2425 You're right Alex, you're the one living the dream. Please, how can I be more like you? I wish to be successful in life, have a career, a family, etc. You know, like you do.
Tried several related words and word combinations, but most of the neat ones are already take, so I went with Urban Siren
As usual, please don't nude up and then run to /b/ to link to here or they will ban it, same as they have the other 10+ chats.
124 replies omitted.Anonymous
>>2400 She seems a bit insane, imho, but I'm not a psychologist, so what do I know.
>>2401 Dorothy Mantooth is a saint, d'you hear me? A saint!!
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
So, you can dish it out, but you can't take it, eh? You see, Alex, your sin was not finding me unattractive, it was your malevolent, unwarranted, and utterly condescending pity. You think you're better than me, and I know I'm better than you. You can play this game with me, but you know you're going to lose. You know the rules, and so do I. A full commitment's what I'm thinking of. You wouldn't get this from any other girl. I just want to tell you how I'm feeling, I've got to make you understand....I'm never going to give you up. I'm never going to let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie, and hurt you. We've known each other for so long, your heart's been aching; but you're too shy to say it. Inside, we both know what's been going on. We know the game and we're gonna play it. And if you ask me how I'm feeling, don't tell me you're too blind to see... Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie, and hurt you.
>>2407 Do you want to look vindictive and evil? Because that's how you look vindictive and evil.