How does 4-5-6 (friday-sunday) april sound for a meeting in London, and for those who want, a trip to oxford? Does this date work for the largest amount of people who would consider showing up? Meeting is a no-punching edition. If you're still on this board after all these years I'll probably have no problem meeting you, so I make this public thread instead of pm-ing everyone, thread stays visible so more mind-space. Multiple days so people can pick there favourite one, and possible evade fellow human beings that they rather avoid.
If you rather not say publicly who you want to avoid or if you even want to meet, you can all mail or something and i'll work out a schedule.
If you think crackyfags are obsessed and have autism, check out this fag. Just read what he wrote about some tripfag on /sp/
>>1465 if you're here, you probably don't have the kind of full-retard autism. Maybe you have hidden autism, and don't even know it yourself! Here's a blog post you can read and see if you can relate:
ps does the first frame of this gif look slightly like cracky to you?
>>1811 Why didn't you take a picture you utter faggot?
Not trying to lose my job because some parents got mad I took a picture of their kid. So close to it though, had my phone out but the window wasn't open.
>>1815 Okay so you shouldn't bother taking pictures of minors but... >2014 >not having a unlock to camera gesture on your phone
There was no way to even discretely do it. Still man, it was eerie.