Sex privilege should be a thing as important as male privilege or thin privilege. Or even more. Male privilege doesn't pay.
98 replies omitted.Anonymous
>>1567 Scgool year books, aspparantly Allie Cponti has alot
Alloie conti has a collection
>>1569 OK, boring for everyone, I know, but.....this might be cited as today's Example no. 1, surely, of the absolutely dire levels of personal honesty and intellectial hygiene prevalent in the "Crackyverse" (for Example no. 2 see my remarks on Camel below). I just skimmed through the article in question weeks ago, so I'm not very clear any more who "the guy" writing here is supposed to be. But apart from the fact that he seems to be semi-analphabetic, what strikes one most of all about him is this habit he has of screaming "lies! lies! lies!" and then just leaving it at that, without offering a shred of a clue to his readers as to WHY the statements he refers to are "lies". The article is "bullshit". She "manipulated" everything. She "flat out lies several times".....Fine. It's not that I'm not prepared to believe that, in principle. It DID look like a pretty trashy, sensationalist, cheaply emotive piece of journalism, so the strictest standards of truth are surely not to be expected here. But still, the reader of this post WOULD, I think, appreciate some information about just WHAT in this article IS a "flat out lie", if only so that s/he could then deduce from that what there is in it that ISN'T. Because, after all, if the only "critique" of the article offered is "calling bullshit" on it in the most general way, then the impression that could be left on a certain sort of gullible and mentally pliable reader of this board - and there are doubtless a few such individuals from Dolly's former fan-base who might wander in here and look at this post - that it is ALL lies and that not a single statement in it corresponds to the truth about Dolly and her life. That way, knowing the "Crackyverse" and its more-than-occasional memory lapses, we could soon, in a year or so, be in a situation where people are heatedly debating in chatrooms or on boards like these whether Dolly ever worked as a cam-girl on MFC at all, for example, or whether she ever had drug-related or
mental problems. I can very easily imagine a bunch of ignorant white-knight newbies digging out, in a year or so, this "eyewitness testimony" by "some guy" and using it to "prove" that Dolly's past as a low-paid sex-worker is "just an Internet myth" and going on to argue that "as everyone knows" she went straight on to Princeton from high school etc etc. So all I'm saying is: if you are going to accuse someone of telling "flat out lies" about you, you really should specify just which "flat out lies" you are referring to, and detail just where and how they diverge from the truth. After all, the truth about Kathy - and doubtless about "the guy" as well - may not be entirely "horrible". But it certainly isn't - given the facts that we do, thank God, just for the present, continue to be aware ARE facts - so very beautiful either. Is it?
Oh, and as a P.S.: How much cheaper a cheap-shot can you get than calling a journalist a "stalker" for using someone's high-school yearbook to find their home address? What the hell does this guy think journalists DO for a living? The staff of any large daily newspaper in any city will invariably include several dozen people who spend their days sifting through heaps of publicly-accessible documents like high-school yearbooks trying to find out where people lived, who they knew, what they did etc. This silly cow isn't Woodward and Bernstein, I'll grant you that. But trying to smear her as some sort of personally-interested sexual pervert for simply doing her cheap shitty sordid little job, like ten million other working stiffs in America is....well, typical of the stupidity and cheap opportunism of the "Cracky community".
I gave Liv the same present I give her for her birthday every year, and @ Xmas and valentine's, nothing. She'll take nothing, and LIKE IT.
Where's the birthday cake?
>>1261 If I knew the day I would have made one. Ive seen dates from August to December with most around the middle of December or the beginning of October.