Of course, she's a Jew and Bernie is. It's all a conspiracy to undermine the white majority because we're so oppressed and persecuted. All Jews are bad, even the magic Jew I worship and the mid-eastern religion and traditions I practice. It's all kikedikejewniggerfaggotcucknormiefem's fault for oppressing me, taking my free speech, my jobs, my women, my money, etc.
Oh yeah, and vidyagames. One of these days I'll be successful when Trump keeps those mean people away and from saying bad things to me on the internet.
>>4373 Healthy young child watches cartoon network, gets exposed to dangerous chinese cartoons, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
How many steps are you away from your secret object of desire? Who are the most social crackyfags around? Discover the answers to these questions and more by looking at this 100% accurate image!
39 replies omitted.Anonymous
>>1714 This thread is actually pretty instructive, at least, on the reasons why meet-ups with any of you are difficult to the point of impossible. Not for everyone, maybe, as birds of a feather flock together and shit tends to stick to shit. But for people of any degree of decency, honesty and good will, sadly, this is the case. I mean, what exactly does this remark
Jesus, at $5,000 a pop you can screw all the 15 year olds you want
mean, and who is it addressed to, anyway?
To me, I suppose, but why it should be, and what the person who wrote it thinks they are conveying by it, baffles me (or would, if I didn't know you people as well as I, unfortunately, do). Nobody was ever talking about "$5,000 a pop" anyway. The figure of six to seven thousand dollars I cited is a roughly accurate representation of the total amount I gave to RavRav over a period of about five years.
But she was nothing even close to 15 years old at any point in those five years, so where
you can screw all the 15 year olds you want
comes from, I really don't know.
Interesting, though, that we observe the same howling irony here as in the big Alex witch-hunt that is still, I suppose, featured on an earlier page of this board. There is someone involved in this thread who demonstrably HAS slept with 15-year-olds but nobody, of course, would think of putting that cap on the one person here (to my knowledge) that it fits. He's kissed the right asses, hasn't corrected anyone's grammar and so on, so he's fine, statutory rapist or not.
Even if I did feel any inclination to compete for the title of "meet-up king" - or just simply to maintain friendly human relations with those of you who live within easy travelling distance of me - that inclination would founder on just these qualities of combined stupidity and mendacity that a post like this displays - and that are pretty general in the "Crackyverse" and likely always will be. The typical "Crackyfag" is a sneering, lying, pettily and stupidly
sadistic little shit and - despite however lonely one is, despite whatever slightly sympathetic and slightly human qualities one might notice in one or two of you every now and then - who would really feel inclined to meet up socially with THAT?
"Another sneering, lying, pettily and stupidly sadistic little shit", you will say, and you'd be right. That'll be about the size of the "social graph" of the "Crackyverse" for as long as you people remain the morally stunted beings that you are.
>>4328 if you pose the [first] question like that, beauty in relation to the world; then i interpret that as you thinking there is some formal definition of beauty. Or universal. I disagree with this idea. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but also in his mindstate. If you're stuck, you should change your environment.
yes find it or manifest
Crushing your enemies. Seeing them driven before you. And hearing the lamentations of their women.
white? Is it makeup? Is it lighting or post-processing? I can't quite put my finger on it.
>>4286 i was rather disappointed in it in any case. There are some very touching moments, like the scene with the Downs Syndrome children from which the film takes its title. But generally speaking it seemed a very diluted rehash of "Songs From the Second Floor". I think Andersson is one of those rare precious cases like the comic artist Jack Kirby. His creativity stayed dammed up for about twenty years, working in advertising - as Kirby's did when he was confined to drawing Lee's characters at Marvel - and was then released in a wondeful magnificent splurge - like the ejaculation I never got to let loose over RavRav's perfect little California apples of breasts - with "Songs From the Second Floor". The other two movies of his "trilogy" have really only been trickles. The built-up force of truth is no longer really there behind them.
I don't think that the two propositions "it is her" and "you are crazy" are mutually exclusive (as your 'or' implies they are). Even assuming it IS "her", the photo is very likely of a 15- or 16-year-old "her", that is to say, is from ten or eleven years ago. And what do we call someone who is still getting all aflutter, ten or eleven years on, about photos of a 15- or 16-year-old girl he never met? You guessed it: "crazy".