
/wish/ - Why Is Still Here?

almost dead

Not synched.

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Anonymous   Expand
Drawn by Lahamu. Give some words, get a drawing.

Praise Farmer Apple-Cracky.
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The [plebs] are meat and the [elite superstructure | beautiful people and wigger] do eat.
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>>381 lol, Alex. Why do you view everything as a battle or conflict? 1 year ago you used to portray the Lia thing as a war, now you're seeing this as a "revolution"?
I do wonder whether us young-uns have an unhealthy bias about war, since it's largely some sort of weird joke that happens elsewhere. Occasionally events like '9-11' and '7-7' happen that older people seem to take as real inhuman injustices, whereas we can clearly see that they're relatively minor shit. I don't think any of us are clear on exactly what a real battle could even be like, or a revolution, or even a pub brawl.

One day the balance will genuinely get properly disturbed and whatever any of us have done to try and secure a future for ourselves will be swept out as easy as anything. This will be a fun time I think, less introspection, more necessary action, perhaps we'll even fool around in between the action, wandering about lost in foreign lands constructing great works of art once our mortality no longer means anything much to us.

In the meantime we should STFU about revolutions and stuff we have no real belief in.
stuff we have no real belief in....

Like Cracky, for example?
I believe in a thing called love.

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Anonymous   Expand
"Deep down, you're all shitty people."

NOPE! Reject this message.

Please remember you are awesome and it is ok to love yourself. If you think of yourself as a shitty wretch then you are probably gonna end up that way.

But... don't be a dick ok? Okay?

Awesome, thanks. <3
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remotely like: "someone deliberately expressing opinions and emotions they don't actually hold or feel just to 'press people's buttons'" The things I say in my posts on this board do, I assure you (and just in case this isn't obvious) come directly and absolutely from the heart and refer to matters of genuine and profound concern to me. The very last thing I am doing is preening and posing and having wry, ironical conversations with myself in ultra-contemporary hipster-speak like the guys or (more probably) guy who posted just before you.
It's unfortunate, I suppose, that these matters of genuine and profound concern to me do not include Cracky. But sorry, I just can't seem to muster much passion for an early-teenage girl who has not been seen nor heard of - at least by anyone of the ilk and quality typical of the people who hang around these parts - for years and years now and who was too young and skinny and shallowly adolescently pretentious to have interested me much anyway, even if I had been involved in that whole thing seven or eight years back.
What I post about and always have posted about are things and people that have life and meaning for me. And I'm also sane enough - in contrast here to the Crackyfags of the sort that you, particularly, have referred to - to know when something or someone has drifted too far and too completely away from me for my love and my interest to have to just cease and accept defeat.
That has happened with RavRav, who brought me "here" years ago - and very definitely with Kimi, who formed a sort of little reflected sideshow of love and preoccupation while RavRav was living with her. They have moved on - from me, from you, from everyone who is part of this pseudo-world (probably only into another, differently constituted and hardly better pseudo-world, but "on", very definitely, nonetheless).
And it's happened in another way with Camel, who has been all that has held me here these past few months. Camel is the only incarnation of
Goethe's exalting and redeeming "Eternal Feminine" that still sojourns amongst us (I don't count the flabby little shell of a bile-spewing infant that poor Dolly is increasingly becoming). Why she chooses to continue to hang out here talking baby talk to a rapist and swapping snippets of demi- and quarter-culture with a smug little dropout from Manchester when she could be out walking the streets of Laredo - I believe it's the famous University of Laredo she's currently studying at - and possibly spy a young cowboy as cold as the clay and sit down beside HIM and hear HIS sad story, well, that really really does beat me.
But she does, and given that she does I think that the rest of Camel's story - which is, as things stand, the ONLY story now, and the only game in town - is foreseeable in rich and exact enough detail for me to be leave the picture-house early without having to worry that I'll miss much.
As she's done a few times before already, she'll zero in - poor little Jersey Shore girl with garishly manicured fingernails that she is, at bottom, under all the apparent (or well, to be fair, much more than just apparent) smarts - on the one guy in the room who appears to come within a feasible number of light years of conforming to the teenie-magazine Romantic Male Ideal of youth and palpable but not egregiously overstated arrogance and smugness and throw herself away on that for a month or two until - surprise! surprise! - she'll be deeply shocked to notice that, like the last four guys before him, he's a shallow, self-centred, fundamentally horrifyingly misogynistic and indeed cynically misanthropic son-of-a-bitch - and will end the relationship with pretty much the same quasi-somnambulistic anaesthesia as she began it.
As I say, I've seen this movie. Lucky, then, that I've chosen a seat at the end of the row so I won't disturb anyone "keeping the ideal alive" as I leave in the middle of it. You can rest assured anyway, son, judging by all past experience, that
Camel and her friends won't be doing any "feeding of the troll" as long as it's ME who is considered the "troll" in the matter (and when it is ever anyone else?). They are keeping very quiet about all this and will, on past experience, continue to so. It all comes too close to home, you see. The smug, Smithsonian-citing samefagging of the /b/board cool-guys and the dogged analphabetic "keeping of the flame" by you sad little refugees from "the temple" suits Camel's and her chums' purposes SO much better.
woof woof
you are an animal

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Anonymous   Expand
I know not many really care about it but I feel homeless without .71 - it was gone without warning. Now I'm already thinking about deleting my Olivia folder for the first time. I'm really irritated.
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Why not do all of us a favor and an hero?
I bet you have thousands and thousand of images like that saved, but for what purpose?

I'll do this as a backup.

Well, thank you. Never thought about how my death could be a favour to you. As I never was sure if I should just end it, I will wait until I'm 100% sure I want to die. If I was I'd do it already.
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Fuck off with your self indulgent whining. Assholes like you never actually kill themselves, although many wish they would. Pathetic, wormish narcissism. Shut the fuck up and gtfo the itnernets.
sure thing sweetie
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Anonymous   Expand
You're in solitary confinement for the next year and allowed to put one picture on your wall. Which Cracky picture do you use?
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My god I didn't have that. You fucking rock. I mean it, I love you man. Let me know when you're in town and I'll buy you beers whilst kissing your dirty feet
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this question is too hard
This maybe, it's one of my favorites. She emanates absolute grace with her natural beauty in it.
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I love this one as well.

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Anonymous   Expand
Do you think Cracky is into body modification? Did she take her interest in blood further?
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That's like saying a war journalist really wants to pick up a gun himself. Depictions don't prove interest in participation.
This. But it's probably something she perceived as beautiful.
Even her brother is not opposed to body modification - even to forms that would seem
wtf hate this
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Anonymous   Expand
Am I seeing this right? Bounceme is now unpostable?
Let's make a mosaic that cracky could be proud of here, then.

The history of bounceme is depressing - marked by antisocial disorder, AIDS, and fail. I liked the time all the miscellaneous boards (mech, dolls, etc.) were displayed in the nav bar though. What was *your* favorite moment? (You can't say "the time she posted the thread" if you weren't there.)

vericode WAS "gonotion" but that was there and this is here.
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you seem to be posting gay shit everywhere, what's the matter, so repressed you're still in the closet and can't face yourself?
I think shitposting makes you truly happy. So be it!
why is she so intollant
i haven't seen any real pedo's on this board
Dolly wants to be a victim. Denial of her victimhood is literally rape.
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I wonder what Cunt-Chan's been up to lately?

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Anonymous   Expand
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Maybe Cracky is dating Woody Harrelson now.
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Everyone knows she dates Odin
she aint no norse fgt
Are you questioning the god and Queen of the sky??

no im questioning some fgt

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Anonymous   Expand
Fap to this
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She's got a myspace page too. Cute.

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Anonymous   Expand
Job for alex: plz translate next post. what does it say?
Seid gegrüßt ihr schwarzen Seelen!

Um mich vorzustellen, mein Name ist Claudy666, ich bin zwölf Jahre alt und höre seit kurzer Zeit METAL. Metal, as ist böse Musik, also HIM, Marilyn Manson, Limp Bizkit und Korn. Die Sänger von diesen Gruppen sind alle ganz bleich und tätowiert, das heißt, dass sie echte Satanisten sind und so richtig böse. Ich höre diese Musik, weil ich auch böse bin. Das sieht man daran, dass ich mir beim H&M immer schwarze Sachen kaufe, so mit Rüschen dran, weil das ist "gothic" und liegt jetzt voll im Trend.

Ich hab mir auch so einen Nietengürtel gekauft, der ist aus rosarotem Plastik und hat so kleine spitze silberne Dinger drauf, weil das noch böser ausschaut. Meine Mama mag das zwar nicht, wenn ich so satanistisch ausschaue, aber was meine Mama sagt, ist mir egal. Vor zwei Tagen habe ich zum Rauchen angefangen, weil der Sänger von den HIM tut auch rauchen. Ich glaube, Leute die rauchen, sind noch viel böser als normale Leute. Wenn mich alte Omas sehen, erschrecken sie sich immer, weil ich mir mein Gesicht weiß anmale und meine Lippen schwarz. Manchmal male ich mir auch die Augen schwarz an, das schaut noch ärger aus. Meine Haare habe ich mir rot gefärbt, weil schwarz, sagt die Mama, darf ich sie mir nicht färben. Ich weiß, dass ist richtig uncool, dass ich mir das von ihr verbieten lasse, aber sie sagt, sonst bekomme ich kein Taschengeld mehr und dann kann ich mir ja sonst auch nichts mehr kaufen, und das wäre schlimm.

Ich finde, ich bin ein echter Satanist. Im Bravo steht drinnen, dass alle Leute, die sich so anziehen wie ich, echte Satanisten sind. Ich habe mir ein verkehrtes Kreuz um den Hals gehängt, das ich mir selber aus einem richtigen Kreuz, das einmal als Extra im Girl drinnen war, gebastelt habe. Am Finger habe ich einen Totenkopf-Ring, den ich bei der Paperbox gekauft habe. Am Abend gehe ich immer mit meinem Hund im Wald spazieren und dort zünde ich dann wenn es dunkel ist, Kerzen an. Die Kerzen sollen die Toten aus ihren Gräbe
It's passably amusing. If I weren't on the verge of homelessness I might have actually taken the trouble to translate it. Instead I'll just link to this

There was much more text, but this *glorious* imageboard system discarded it.

Why are you on the verge of homelessness? And where are you anyways?
Take care of yourself Alex. If and when you leave will be a bad day for me. Don't leave me with all of these fags.

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Anonymous   Expand
muh cracky
what does your cracky look like? >>3190
Aha sorry I was too retarded to understand.

Muh Cracky

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