Periodic IMPoll time! today's poll: do you have any pets. Vote here!: And discuss below!: what kind of pet would you like? What is the relation between your pet and a cracky? Is a loli to be considerd a pet or something else? Do you only love your pet in a silly nonsexual way? Share this and more, with your favourite community, the crackyfags and other societies rejects!
6 replies omitted.Anonymous
>>290 WIPO: I generally do, in the sense of "I like animation", but I find most modern anime too self-serving and silly.
>>290 I only like moe animu of the self-serving kind mentioned above.
>>290 Yes but only a few animu and mangoes and none were mentioned by you so
I like seeing polls once again, wish. I don't see the purpose in having companionship animals and would much rather prefer that my domestic animals have a job to keep themselves busy with. I would like to have a retreiver for hunting. Also, animu is for weaboos, but I do like me some DBZ. Nostalgia, etc.
Time for a new periodic IMPoll! Which do you like most? what are your thoughts on this new style of board? Show us your valuable opinion in this worthless poll and maybe the admin will listen!
7 replies omitted.Anonymous
no decent people left, no decent discussion left, fuck this
stop feeding, ffs. When will you idiots get he only comes here to get attention, and that's exactly what all of you give him. Stop adressing him, stop replying to him, stop giving him what he wants and let him leave.
peace, alex this
srsly what were you thinking, "oh, too much Alex on this board, better make an Alex thread." If you want to see good discussion, start talking about interesting topics. it's not safe at all, though.
7 replies omitted.Anonymous
>>1622 Yeah. Thought so. How about just fucking killing yourself then, you vapid pretentious mediocrity?
>>1623 Nah. I don't think I'll ever do that. As for why, it's hard to prove a negative statement, I just don't think I'm ever going to be in a position where that sounds like the best course of action. Would rather live another 30 years in disgrace and enjoy some hot meals than fall on my imageboard sword when I fail to make sense.
>>1626 Don't be so hard on your dear darling chums. I'd say they are doing pretty well at the "weave a circle round him thrice, and close your eyes with holy dread" game. Sasha really is a quite especially and outstandingly pompous little cunt who suffers from the sad delusion that he honestly is the absolute bee's knees, so it would be a bit much to ask of HIM that he refrain from doing the "oh yes, I really am very stupid and very inadequate and a thoroughly inferior person but haha here I am ADMITTING to it haha so look at who came out on top here in the end ME that's who smirk smirk simper simper" trick. But most of his friends have got a pretty much entirely unblemished record in the way of crouching trembling under whatever rocks these vermin crawl back to and ignoring COMPLETELY all the extremely relevant questions I've raised on the board in the past few days. But if you DO happen to catch one of them finding a particle of guts or honesty in themselves somewhere and actually trying to REPLY to any of the lengthy substantial and highly specific criticisms I've made of them, yes, for GOD's sake, DO start screeching "Don't reply to the shitpost! Don't reply to the shitpost! Run and hide! Just keep running and hiding!" If somebody starts, God forbid, engaging in rational discussion, then who knows WHERE it might lead.....Some of you might actually begin looking like the nasty stupid little idiots that you are.
and nastily calculating individual - and to let yourself be tickled and patted and cuddled by him while joining in the general clamour to "cast out the only person among us who is shitty or bad IN ANY WAY AT ALL", namely...well...
Your Sincerely
In itself, "you say that we're all shitty people and then you spend so much time fraternizing with us/them in the chat" would have been a good criticism, Alex. I'm afraid the other conclusions you drew and the certainty with which you went about trying to drill them into the attention of me and all the other suckers you hate, though, is a symptom of the "badness" I see in you. I'm only saying so because you just demanded some specific example. As for me, well, a symptom of my evil could be, say, the lack of will to better anything for anyone. That's something that, whether is just (backspace backspace) whether is present in people in general or I'm sort of the unfortunate exception to the rule that people are helpful by nature, is deplorable, obviously. I keep saying "symptom" because I really DO believe that the badness is a shared thing between us, and I already spelled out in the post you pulled up what I think the badness can most -- okay, now you're interrupting me, something you completely flipped your shit over one or two days ago when some random person did it to you. Case in point. Peace.
>>1578 Sorry....stop...There is no point in writing stuff that is grammatically indecipherable. Yes, I'm interrupting you because you say "The other conclusions you drew is a symptom of the badness I see in you".....Well, OK, to quote you exactly
Alex. I'm afraid the other conclusions you drew and the certainty with which you went about trying to drill them into the attention of me and all the other suckers you hate, though, is a symptom of the "badness" I see in you.
You then go on to say
I see in you. I'm only saying so because you just demanded some specific example.
Now insofar as that makes grammatical sense at all, the "badness" you appear to have identified in me is, so you claim, my practice of drawing conclusions and of presenting them to people with the firm conviction that I am right.
I'm sorry, but I can't see how that is a "specific example" at all. A SPECIFIC example would be citing ONE (or, if you like several) PARTICULAR conclusions I have drawn and showing how it wasn't a sound enough conclusion to bear the "certainty" with which I try to impress it on people.
Well,actually, even that would hardly be "badness" of any very serious degree - but you don't even make any serious attempt to "convict" me of THAT. You just make an utterly unfounded assertion that you have been "specific" and then, when you are politely called upon to offer some actual foundation for it, you run away offended.
>>1578 >>1579 I think it's pretty obvious that no one is ever going to take up my challenge - which is not made in a spirit of macho self-assertion but just in the spirit of indeed "overcoming" the narcissism and self-assertion that Camel herself admits dominates and pervades this place - and say SPECIFICALLY what constitutes bad and unfair and unfriendly and unpleasant behaviour. It will just be let rest at Camel's speciously piously and admirably self-critical "I guess there's just a mean-ness in this world" and the question, WHO exactly is mean will remain floating there unenriched by any actual substance, as Camel ducks and dives each successive SPECIFIC question "Is Rob mean?" "No, because he's my pal....I was referring to SOMEONE ELSE" "Ah..Is Science mean, then?" "No, because he's my pal too...The mean-ness is in the air, but it's obviously nothing to do with HIM" "Ah....could Alex be the source of the mean-ness?" "YES! YES! It must be HIM I was talking about when I wrote about narcissism and aggressive self-assertion in the Crackyverse! Who would ever have guessed it?" "And how SPECIFICALLY is he mean?" "Sorry, I have to go....."