
/wish/ - Why Is Still Here?

almost dead

Not synched.

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Anonymous   Expand
Wow, this is a strange style of posting.

I lol'd at the board title. What does dog refer to?
alex prefers to call himself that when he's in a certain mood
When he's having a dog day?

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Anonymous   Expand

Swedish Woman, 37, had sex
... with skeletons
I believe the correct term is boning.

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Anonymous   Expand
>have friend who is starting to show more and more signs of depression
>talk to her, try to apply years of knowledge gained from reading the internet
5 replies omitted.
Admin here. Gonna test a bit the sentence cutting off thing. Fail fail take take out out faaaaaiiiiiiilllll strange. Can't get it to fail. Much better just to take them out asdf blablalba.
Bug status: can't replicate.
Looks like we'll need another backend. Will be implementing soon.
ad ## Admin
Here's a reply to see whether this works.

If that's odd... I can't delete ... I reckon it's something to do with tc combined with the typing box. If you put a stationary box instead of one like this, which automatically posts what you write, then it would be better. I ... Also, an option to delete posts would be good - both during and after typing.
it's juts this style of the board. You can see what text you can still delete and what is already uploaded by the color. You just gotta get used to it, then it'll be fine. You can also still paste from MS word 2000 if yu like.

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