
/wish/ - Why Is Still Here?

almost dead

Not synched.

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Anonymous   Expand
How's life treating her? Is she planning to go back to Japan someday or has she given op her dreams?
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actually there is solo stuff on soundcloud but that's still nearly two years old
this one -nevermind- can't delete the post now.. fuck you admin
She will post on any imageboard that references her. At the age of 27.
so where is she then?
Hi, emiree

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「The rare paradox – do rares exist?」

Anonymous   Expand
Rares are only rare as long as few people know of them. But does a rare exist of nobody knows it exists? Once it is released, it ceases to be a rare.

There are no rarez.
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And once again the impossible-to-argue-or-reason-with "Cracky is Cracky because Cracky is Cracky because Cracky is Cracky" pseudo-logic kicks in. One of the posters in this thread gave it away, I think, with his gushing about "Olivia being bored and taking a photo while waiting for the driver to come back." He didn't seem to be even aware that he was describing a trivial, vain little action that had already been performed by millions of girls and in the following years was to be performed by hundreds of millions more. It is "the most beautiful" - because it is Cracky. Now this other fag - or the samefag - takes the next step and starts inventing characteristics of "bog-standard" Tumblr and Instagram selfies which this little snap allegedly stands out from by NOT displaying. Sorry, mate, but after years of lurking Stickam and its various successor teeny vanity sites, I can assure you that I have wistfulness coming out my ears.
It's a teenage girl with bleached hair and too much make-up snapping a photo of herself in a moment of boredom. You guys treating it like it's Duerer's Melencolia or the Divine Comedy and fantasizing that "all human life is there" is infinitely more about YOU than about poor little Olivia.
I wrote >>3612 and cannot disagree with >>3613 and so the 'pseudo-logic' continues.
Suppore, for the sake of argument, that you're right even to the extent of most of Olivia's pictures not being particularly special. What would it imply that people thinking they're special drives your into a rage?
No one thinks it's the Fuhrer's Melancholia. You're on a site filled
with a posting system that can gtfo

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Anonymous   Expand

Spread Cracky across the universe.
There are a few in my region, I'll try this - maybe. Not sure I want to spread cracky propaganda actively.
Puttin' it on a USB doesn't seem like enough. We gotta make it real, properly impress it on the world, make it so that it can't be wasted awayy as easily as we've been. Graffiti used to sound like a cool idea but I think it needs to be more of a conscious public art of some sort. A huge cast mystical symbol on the sidewalk that's incomprehensible to most but reach out and touch-able for us.
If another project to put some data on a satellite comes up then we should definitely get some crackymons on that. Cracky in space ought to happen eventually.

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「How will history judge us?」

Anonymous   Expand
Looking back on ten thousand years of human activity there are certain consistencies in what we see as good and bad states of humanity. Times when scientific and technological progress was shunned or held back are seen as very bad for humanity. Times when millions of people dieswhether by natural disaster or deliberate activity of any kind are broadly recognized as harmful to us, their progeny. Cultural shifts that lead to new possibilities are hailed even if they end in bloodshed.

Now we stand on the shoulders of cultural and scientific and philosophical giants. We stand with weapons never imagined in ten thousand years of fiction. We stand at the lowest point of disease, crime, war deaths, and intolerance this world has ever seen. The last 40 years must be seen as a miracle of the ages by any measure. We stand at our peak. The question to be asked is: What we do from here, where we go: how will history judge it? In two hundred years will this time, starting now, be seen as a triumph of imagination or as a dark age? How can we best assure it will be for the best? Where and how should mankind use his new tools?
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a schoolgirl? is this someone new?
me, though, and like something that is being said from a very unreflectively Eurocentric or Americanocentric perspective. Africa, for example, is currently being devastated by a disease which only came into existence a few decades ago, AIDS. And although I am not an anthropologist; I seem to remember reading in an anthropological study the name of which escapes me that the common conception of life in the Mesolithic Era as disease-ridden and wretched is in fact a misconception. Large sections of humanity 7000 or 8000 years ago enjoyed an excellent healthy diet and suffered relatively little from disease. The second item on the OP's list, "crime", represents a respect in which hsi statement is not so much false as meaningless. Since conceptions of "crime" have altered radically many times in the course of the last ten thousand years, it is just meaningless to talk about there being "more crime" or "less crime" in 2014 than, say, in 3000 BC. To recur to the Christian Early Middle Ages as a point of comparison once again, there is indubitably massively more "impiety" and "blasphemy" going on today than in 1200 AD - but since the psychological and moral framework that made these things punishable offences 1000 years ago has pretty much ceased to exist, to say that there is is to say nothing meaningful. Whether the statement that we "nowadays" have far less "war deaths" than we did in past epochs is true or massivelly, ridiculously false depends on where you draw the line establishing the start of "nowadays". It wouldn't be unreasonable, I think, to push that line back to the last century, in which case the statement is indeed massively, ridiculously false. The twentieth century clocked up many more deaths by war and war-related catastrophes than any other century before it. Whether the twenty-first century will be very different has yet to be seen. Finally "intolerance" here is another case of simple meaninglessness, if we are looking at a period of ten
thousand years. The concept of "tolerance" in the sense of a political or moral ideal really only came into existence in the Sixteenth Century as a consequence of the post-Reformation Wars of Religion. Before that, both "tolerance" and "intolerance" were literally meaningless in the overwhelming majority of human societies, so to talk about there being "more" of them or "less" of them now than in, say, 2000 BC or even 1500 AD is just senseless.

These are just some of the reasons why I find "discussion" of the questions raised here impossible.

Oh and fuck you Dolly you worthless drug-sucking whore go and die in a ditch.
Dolores !!6n.tln4697
Haha, made you type.
That is obscenely short-sighted. As a percentage of human lives a vastly larger number of years are being lived to old age, with all the productivity that provides than any earlier era.

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「How to make a Cracky」

Anonymous   Expand
Can someone link to the "how to make a Cracky" pasta? Or paste it here? Also: Does anyone want a longer, more comprehensive version?

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「Fortune favors the ______」

Anonymous   Expand
I feel like something really good is going to happen to me today.
it's true
Nothing happened, at least nothing I know of.
And perhaps nothing was the best possible thing that could have happened to you today, I mean like, what if you'd been just half a second later and died in a horrible flaming car wreck?

Nothing is good. You'll take nothing, and LIKE IT.

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Anonymous   Expand
What if she takes pleasure from our unrequited love?
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tsundere cracky is tsundere
Why is board so dead?
This posting system tho amirite
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Wise men observe with their lips closed

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Anonymous   Expand
What es arglahofgeihaego

What is the Cracky up to nowadays?
She blesses the spring.

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「Elf Names」

Anonymous   Expand
Let's get into the xmas spirit /wish/ !

What's your elf name?
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sugarplum snow-bum
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What are you doing for Christmas /wish/ ?

I am going to watch this 134 hour long documentary about a boat.
play some vidya games
Merry Christmas guys
I have to study a lot. I blame niggers for this

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Anonymous   Expand

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enjoy, good animation
is the thread creation disabled?
what you hear is what you see

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