Not synched.Image 1368371795954.jpg(177 KB, 587x960)AnonymousExpand27 replies omitted.Anonymous
that Ayra Stark actually looks 11 on screen, the girl in this thread looks at best two or three years older than that in several of these photos. A /pol/ board that has just been host to a lengthy, vocal, ostensibly passionate thread going on about what an absolute loathsome evil Hitler represented should not then pass over without comment to a thread praising Mussolini. There is no doubt that Mussolini was "less bad" but a board in that situation would have had a thousand political leaders to choose from whose ideas and practices were safely far removed from both the above-mentioned, who are decidedly "too close for comfort". Similarly with this girl and Arya Strk. This girl might be "less bad" as regards the danger of mixing the innocent appeal of children with the un-innocent appeal of adult women, but she's still pretty "borderline" in that respect? As I say, I'd have much more faith in the board"s sincerity about condemning pedophilic sentiments if just about every girl who is posted here didn"t look like jailbait.
What I think "proves" something here is the absolute silence of the "Tumblr feminist" soapbox screechers in this thread, by contrast to their extreme vocality in the thread about "Alex"s pedophilia" If the concerns they expressed in the "Alex thread" were real, then they should clearly also have something to say about people ogling a photo of a girl in which no tits, no ass, nor any other secondary sexual characteristic is evident and the whole pose and persona adopted is that of a pre-pubescent girl waiting in a station or somewhere to be picked up by her Mom....or someone.
But they have nothing to say here. Because their concerns were NOT real. Troublingly infantile images of young women are EVERYWHERE in our society. The Tumblr feminists can oppose this stuff on a thousand different fronts if they choose to. But they don't. The only people they attack over it are people, like myself, who have pissed them off for OTHER reasons, such as refusing
Ely, what's the purpose of the colour change after quoting a post?
lines starting with a > are quotes, just like on 4chan. Press enter after doing a reference to a post number to avoid getting a green line of text >>824 like this >>824 hello green text ?? trstr
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